Shimeji Cultivated Mushroom


Other names

Beech, elm oyster

Latin Names

Hypsizguy tessellatus


Autumn, but available all year


China, South Korea


Rich in dietary fibre and contains antioxidants, niacin, vitamins and minerals

Description & Flavour

Shimeji is a small, firm white (bunapi-shimeji) or brown (buna-shimeji) mushroom with both a crunchy and chewy texture that have developed somewhat of a cult following in Asia. Japan believe their distinct sweet and nutty taste makes them the tastiest mushroom, where they are known for their inclusion in the Japanese rice dish ‘takikomi goham’. White Shimeji are a brilliant white with perfectly formed caps, whereas the brown Shimeji has identical white stems but with light brown caps featuring a dark brown, almost dried marble effect. They can be eaten raw but when using them for cooking, cut the substrate bottom off and blanche to add to a salad, stir fry or add to a soup or sauce.